Foundry Cove Marina is owned by three local businessmen and avid boaters who are dedicated to maintain the friendly, relaxed, and informal atmosphere that you have gotten to know, appreciate, and enjoy over these many years.
You may wonder how we chose the new name, Foundry Cove Marina. Well, before this property became a marina, it was and iron foundry producing wood stoves eventually becoming a subsidiary of of the large farm equipment, appliance, and furnace conglomerate, Beatty Bros. of Fergus, Ontario. The two red bricked buildings on site were part of the substantial operation and a railroad siding came right into the property. As the wood stove market declined, Beatty's began producing its own brand of electric ranges, washers and dryers on site.
It is our objective to keep the marina operating in much the same manner while constantly making improvements to the land, buildings, docks, equipment, and facilities. Please feel free to provide any input that will help us achieve these objectives. If you visit the marina, you will already see some of these improvements underway including some new docks, a floating breakwall to help protect the harbour from wave action and passing wake, and many other improvements over this winter.
Foundry Cove Marina will strive to make your boating moments with us both pleasurable and memorable.

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