Check back often for member announcements and updates.

September 2024
Dear Foundry Cove Customers,
As another summer sadly comes to an end we would like to extend our appreciation for a great year so far, we were happy to see many familiar faces as well as welcome several new members and hope everyone had a wonderful boating season!
Now into September marina hours are 8am to 5pm, and our haul out crew has begun working Monday-Saturday with time slots available from 8:30am-4pm for your bookings. Please indicate a pump-out on your haul out form if one is required on your scheduled day, and arrive at the pump out dock at least 15 minutes before your scheduled time. Fillable 2024 haul out forms can be found on our website foundrycovemarina.com, or hardcopies are available in the office if you prefer. 24 hours notice is required for bookings as well as cancellations. If you have any difficulties filling out the form, please give the office a call 705-549-2641.
Water will be shut off to the docks November 1st (last day for pump outs October 31st), and the last day for haul out will be November 15th weather depending.
As in the past for our Annual Customers a non refundable $500 deposit is due on October 15th to secure your slip for the 2025 season, with balance due April 15, 2025. We have an interest in slips for next year and ask that deposits are made on time or your slip could be assigned to someone on the waiting list. The deposit can be made by etransfer to accounting@foundrycovemarina.com, or by debit, cash, cheque or credit card in the office or over the phone. Invoices are available upon request or will be sent by email for new and returning customers who have made their deposits . If you would like to take advantage of our 3% discount, payment in full (-3%) can be made in place of the $500 deposit by October 15th by means of non credit card payment methods only. Please send an email to sales@foundrycovemarina.com or contact the office for the early payment option and your invoice will be adjusted accordingly and sent by email.
To avoid rate increases we are implementing fees on some services that were included in our Annual packages in the past, as well as applying the same rate $107.75/ft for Annual Dockage across the board regardless of boat size. Our newer drive-to slips are still calculated at 40’ (N-dock) and 55’ (South Shore) minimum.
Mast stepping that was included in our Annual package will now be $150 each way beginning with our 2025 package. If you choose to take your mast down in the fall it will still be free of charge as it is included in your current 2024 package, but to put it back up in the spring would cost $150 each way moving forward. Also as the cost for sewage removal has increased threefold due to the town not taking any mobile waste, we will be capping free pump outs in Annual packages to 5, and $30 each thereafter.
Construction will continue throughout the winter months with continued upgrades to docks as well as the breakwall, and the gate is moving to a location that will allow for parking and deliveries to the front of the building. There will be further communication once the install is complete, but same as last year once working it will be set on a timer to be open during business hours after haul out season until such time that access cards are distributed to all customers in good standing.
Washrooms will be closed and power shut off from December 15 to March 15 as the marina is officially closed with limited staff on site for snow clearing and maintenance.
Please remember to clear all belongings off docks and keep the area under and around your vessels on land clear so that it is possible to move cradles/boats in case of an emergency.
The entire team appreciates your business and cooperation, please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns, we look forward to hearing from you! Updated fall office and service dock hours have been posted.
Haul out and General inquiries (Kumari) - info@foundrycovemarina.com
Billing and sales (Miriam) - sales@foundrycovemarina.com
Phone - 705-549-2641
A reminder that you are cordially invited to our End of Season BBQ Corn Roast on Saturday September 21st (4-10pm), and we hope you can join us in wrapping up another great season with your fellow boaters and friends.
Spring Newsletter 2024
Welcome back and welcome new FCM members! Spring is having some mood swings, but nice weather is around the corner and as launch season approaches we wanted to send out some news and reminders. We are excited to welcome Kumari back for the season, and very fortunate Al has been looking after the marina, getting the equipment tuned up and ready to go all winter long. Our construction crew has been busy at work over the winter as well and will continue throughout the next few weeks, so we ask that you kindly be patient as they continue with various projects and improvements. We are also thrilled to welcome a new business working out of the marina, Lefaive Upholstery lefaiveupholstery.ca, owned by local resident Jason Lefaive. You can find his business cards and contact information in the marina office if you would like to speak with Jason to inquire about a new boat top, upholstery upgrades or repairs.
If you are coming to work on your boat the hydro is on and washrooms are open. There will be complimentary coffee in the lounge during business hours, and ice will be available for the May long weekend. Water lines are being inspected and taps on the building turned back on once nightly temperatures remain above 0, we are aiming for Friday April 12th. Water to the docks will be turned on May 1st.
Marina Access key fobs will be programmed and available later this month and into May. These will open our gate after hours as well as outside access to marina washrooms depending on what type of package you have with us. One complimentary key fob will be given to all Annual members in good standing and replacements will cost $25. Additional keys as well as keys for Storage customers if needed can be picked up in the office for a $25 refundable deposit once the system is up and running. For the time being the gate and washrooms will remain open to allow for access to customers until the system has been tested and all keys have been distributed, after which they will continue to be open during business hours only. From inside the gate opens automatically, a key is not required when leaving the marina. We will update you with further details.
2024 Launch forms are now up on our website foundrycovemarina.com/forms, or feel free to call the office for help with your booking. The travel lifts were inspected and crew will be ready for launch beginning April 15 weather depending. Winter Storage customers should be ready for launch June 1st, and boats not launched by June 15 will incur monthly Dryland Storage fees of $7/ft/month.
As you prepare your vessel for launch, we wanted to remind members to keep the area around and under your trailer/cradle clean and free of any garbage. The marina is not responsible for loose items and trailers/cradles may be moved throughout the season, so anything not secured will be removed. Storage options are available for trailers, cradles and/or frames for a fee of $250.00 for the season. Storage of cradles/trailers is included in the Annual package.
Shrink wrap removal and disposal can be booked during the last two weeks of April for a fee of $100.00, and for disposal only there is a $50 environmental disposal fee payable to Foundry Cove Marina.
Prior to launching your vessel, it is mandatory that:
Your trailer/cradle is labeled with LAST NAME & BOAT NAME
You have submitted updated insurance information
Signed License Agreement
Payments have been made in full
The FCM team wanted to remind members that it is the customers responsibility to ensure lines and bumpers are properly suited for their vessel. Vessel needs to be safely and securely tied up to your slip. If you need help purchasing any of these supplies we can be of assistance.
We kindly ask that customers pick up after their pets, and ensure that pets are not roaming free.
Please note that we have two yellow bins, one for garbage and the other for recycling. The bins are labeled accordingly, and outline what materials are accepted. Please refrain from bringing outside or household garbage to our bins.
The office will be open in April from Tuesday-Saturday 8am-5pm, 6 days a week for launch (Monday to Saturday) beginning in May, and 7 days a week beginning with the July long weekend. Hours are posted on the office door and on the home page of this website.
A friendly reminder that balance payments for Annual packages are due April 15th to hold your slip and prior to launch for all customers.You will find 2024 Licence Agreements in your inbox in the coming week which should be checked for any errors or amendments, signed and returned to us either via email or in the office where we will have hard copies if preferred. As always insurance with 2 million third party liability is in force and Kumari has been emailing renewal reminders for expired policies.
For spring commissioning FCM is not currently running a service department, but a contractor of your choice is permitted on the property so long as proof of insurance and WSIB paperwork is cleared at the office before work commences.
Any questions or concerns please reach out, we look forward to hearing from you!
General inquiries - info@foundrymarina.com
Billing and sales - sales@foundrycovemarina.com
Phone - 705-549-2641
Thank you for your continued support, we look forward to another enjoyable boating season!
Miriam Duncan and the entire FCM Crew
September News Sept 13, 2023
Dear Foundry Cove Customers,
We hope you had a wonderful boating season! Unfortunately summer is coming to an end and our haul out crew is now working Monday-Saturday with time slots available from 8am-4pm for your bookings. Please indicate a pump-out on your haul out form if one is required on your scheduled day. Fillable 2023 haul out forms can be found on our website foundrycovemarina.com, or hardcopies are available in the office if you prefer. 24 hours notice is required for bookings as well as cancellations. If you have any difficulties filling out the form, please give the office a call 705-549-2641.
Water will be shut off at the docks November 1st, the the last day for haul out will be November 15th, weather depending, and the marina will be closed on Sundays beginning October 8.
As in the past for our Annual Customers a non refundable $500 deposit is due on October 15th to secure your slip for the 2024 season, with balance due April 15, 2024. The deposit can be made by etransfer to accounting@foundrycovemarina.com, or by debit, cash, cheque or credit card in the office or over the phone. Invoices are available upon request and will be sent by email for new and returning customers who have made their deposits . A 3% discount is again being offered for payments made in full by November 1st (non credit card payment methods only). Please send an email to sales@foundrycovemarina.com or contact the office for the early payment option and your invoice will be adjusted accordingly.
Rate Increases;
Our Winter Storage rates have increased by $3/ft, and for our Annual customers the drive-to slips along the north wall (N-dock) will be calculated LOA with a 40’ minimum, otherwise the rate remains at $107.75/ft for existing slips. The updated prices can be found on our rate sheet foundrycovemarina.com. We do have a waiting list so please let us know as soon as possible if unfortunately you will not be returning.
As most of you have noticed we have a new security gate installed for which we hope to iron out the details to begin using over the winter months. The gate will be open during business hours and there will be a $25 deposit for access cards to gain entry after hours. The access cards will also be used for entry into our public washrooms beginning next season. We will communicate when and how these will be made available to our members.
This year we upgraded our internet/wifi with a security system and have installed cameras located around the marina, as well as an access card system which will be initiated for the spring. We have also been working on installing our new 70 ton travel lift, with accompanying new well and ramp to be completed spring 2024. Over the winter months we will be upgrading and constructing slips, as well as completing the work we have begun to improve the impact of our breakwall. Due to marina construction and a new layout our summer seasonal floating docks will no longer be available next season and have been sold to Northwest Basin Marina.
The entire team appreciates your business and cooperation, please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns, we look forward to hearing from you! Updated fall office and service dock hours have been posted.
Haul out and General inquiries (Kumari) - info@foundrycovemarina.com
Billing and sales (Miriam) - sales@foundrycovemarina.com
Phone - 705-549-2641
A reminder that you are cordially invited to our End of Season BBQ Corn Roast this Saturday September 16 (4-9pm), and we hope you can join us in wrapping up another great season with your fellow boaters and friends.
Miriam Duncan
March 11, 2022
Welcome back FCM Members! As the Launch Season approaches, we wanted to update everyone on some changes. Our construction crew has been busy dredging the basin, and constructing new docks. As construction on docks will continue throughout March and April, we ask that you kindly be patient with the crew as they finish up work. Launch will commence as soon as the ice melts, please keep your eye on our website foundrycovemarina.com for the 2022 Launch Form.
As you prepare your vessel for launch, we wanted to remind members to keep the area around and under their trailer/cradle clean and free of any garbage. The marina is not responsible for loose items and trailers/cradles may be moved throughout the season, so anything not secured will be removed. Shrink wrap that was installed by FCM can be disposed of free of charge in the yellow dumpster, shrink wrap that was installed by any other source is subject to a $75.00 disposal fee. Storage options are available for trailers, cradles and/or frames for a fee of $250.00. Storage of trailers/cradles is included in the annual package.
Prior to launching your vessel it is mandatory that:
Your cradle/trailer is labeled with LAST NAME & BOAT NAME.
You have submitted updated insurance information
Signed Licence Agreement
Payments have been made in full
The FCM team wanted to remind members that it is the customers responsibility to ensure lines and bumpers are properly suited for their vessel. Vessel needs to be safely and securely tied up to your slip. If you need help purchasing any of these supplies we can be of assistance.
We kindly ask that customers pick up after their pets, and ensure that pets are not roaming free.
The office will reopen Tuesday March 15th, and we will be open in March Tuesday-Saturday from 10am-2pm, in April Tuesday-Saturday 10am-4pm and full time hours beginning May 1st. The yard crew will be on site for launch, weather depending in April. A friendly reminder that balance payments for Annual packages are due April 15th to hold your slip and prior to launch for all customers. For spring commissioning FCM is not currently running a service department, but a contractor of your choice is permitted on the property so long as proof of insurance and WSIB paperwork is cleared at the office before work commences.
Any questions or concerns please reach out, we look forward to hearing from you!
General inquiries - info@foundrycovemarina.com
Billing and sales - sales@foundrycovemarina.com
Phone - 705-549-2641
March 11, 2022
Welcome back FCM Members! As the Launch Season approaches, we wanted to update everyone on some changes. Our construction crew has been busy dredging the basin, and constructing new docks. As construction on docks will continue throughout March and April, we ask that you kindly be patient with the crew as they finish up work. Launch will commence as soon as the ice melts, please keep your eye on our website foundrycovemarina.com for the 2022 Launch Form.
As you prepare your vessel for launch, we wanted to remind members to keep the area around and under their trailer/cradle clean and free of any garbage. The marina is not responsible for loose items and trailers/cradles may be moved throughout the season, so anything not secured will be removed. Shrink wrap that was installed by FCM can be disposed of free of charge in the yellow dumpster, shrink wrap that was installed by any other source is subject to a $75.00 disposal fee. Storage options are available for trailers, cradles and/or frames for a fee of $250.00. Storage of trailers/cradles is included in the annual package.
Prior to launching your vessel it is mandatory that:
Your cradle/trailer is labeled with LAST NAME & BOAT NAME.
You have submitted updated insurance information
Signed Licence Agreement
Payments have been made in full
The FCM team wanted to remind members that it is the customers responsibility to ensure lines and bumpers are properly suited for their vessel. Vessel needs to be safely and securely tied up to your slip. If you need help purchasing any of these supplies we can be of assistance.
We kindly ask that customers pick up after their pets, and ensure that pets are not roaming free.
The office will reopen Tuesday March 15th, and we will be open in March Tuesday-Saturday from 10am-2pm, in April Tuesday-Saturday 10am-4pm and full time hours beginning May 1st. The yard crew will be on site for launch, weather depending in April. A friendly reminder that balance payments for Annual packages are due April 15th to hold your slip and prior to launch for all customers. For spring commissioning FCM is not currently running a service department, but a contractor of your choice is permitted on the property so long as proof of insurance and WSIB paperwork is cleared at the office before work commences.
Any questions or concerns please reach out, we look forward to hearing from you!
General inquiries - info@foundrycovemarina.com
Billing and sales - sales@foundrycovemarina.com
Phone - 705-549-2641
December 2021
Seasons greetings FCM Members!
The FCM team would like to thank all boaters for their patience during our busy haul out season. With your cooperation, the crew were able to wrap everything up before the snow and ice headed our way. A huge thank you goes out to our Lift Crew, who worked incredibly hard to make this happen.
Foundry Cove Marina would like to wish the best of luck to Tristen as he steps out on his own. Moving forward, our customers can send service related requests or questions to info@foundrycovemarina.com
July 1, 2021 Update
Happy Canada Day Everyone! As more members arrive for the long weekend, we wanted to thank you for your continued patience through COVID restrictions and change in ownership, as well update you on the progress to some of our services.
Our Pump-Out is now running. For the first couple of weeks, we ask that Members find staff on-site for assistance. Once every Member has been walked through how to use the Pump-Out machine, it will be self serve. If you cannot find anyone in the yard, please call the office 705-549-2641.
Laundry has now been installed. Since the washing machine is a front loading machine, we kindly ask that Members use ONLY H.E detergent. A wash cycle will be $3 and the dryer is $1 for 20 minutes.
Our WIFI is still a work in progress. Technicians have been out, and are waiting on final parts, which have been delayed due to COVID. Until technicians arrive for the final installation, WIFI is available in and around the Chandlery under Foundry_Guest.
Lastly, we would like to welcome Courtney aboard the FCM team. She will be in the office taking calls, and around the yard if you need anything. Summer office hours are 8:30-5 Monday-Saturday, and 9:30-6 on Sunday.
Cheers to a great boating season,
Foundry Cove Marina Staff
June 7, 2021 Update
Member Rules and Compliance
Now that the season is finally here, we kindly ask that all members help to keep our Marina clean. We can all do our part to improve and keep the premises safe and free of garbage and debris.
Please Label items on the property. I.E. Items that are stored: trailers, dinghy's, masts etc.
Members who provided and completed their own shrink wrapping this Fall at FCM:
All excess material/wrapping/lumber waste must be removed from the marina. Additionally, please note that used shrink wrap/tarps, and coverings are not permitted to be disposed of in marina garbage bins.
If you would like marina staff to dispose on your behalf, we will do so. However, a $75.00 + HST disposal fee will apply.
For members who work on their own vessel:
Please note that disposal of any and all materials pertaining to your maintenance i.e. oil, filters, related fluids, parts, Etc., is strictly prohibited for disposal at FCM. If you have completed work on your vessel, ensure you dispose of any and all materials offsite.
Cradles/Trailers/Stands -Seasonal Storage Fees:
Boat Cradles, trailers, and stands can be stored at the marina for a seasonal fee of $250.00 + HST. (Annual customers excluded). We will ensure they are stored safely, and are ready for use accordingly. (Please Label Items)
If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail us at info@foundrycovemarina.com or call us at (705) 549-2641 and leave a message if we are unable to answer at that moment. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
You are still welcome to do your own work on your own boat, but any outside contracting will have to be arranged through Tristen and all outside contractors will need to show proof of adequate insurance and WSIB compliance. This is a requirement of the property insurance policy of Foundry Cove Marina, just as at most marinas in Ontario.
We very much appreciate your business and look forward to being of service to you for many years to come.
Launch Ramp - (Please Note: the new launch ramp will not be completed until 2022)
Your Foundry Cove Marina Family